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Laude studens ea Tollere, mens mea Victa fatiscit; 0 bona gloria, Vincor; in omnia Laus tua vielt. Longing thy joys to sing, Worthily offering Love overflowing; Glory most bright and good, Feed me with heavenly food, New life bestowing. VIII.—Doubee Chorus VIII.—Doubre Chorus Stant Syon atria Conjubilantia, Martyre plena Cive micantia, Principe stantia, Luce serena; There stand those halls on high, There sound the songs of joy In noblest measure. There are the martyrs bright In heaven’s o’er flowing light— The Lord’s own treasure. Est ibi pascua Mitibus afflua, Praestita sanctis; Regis ibi thronus, Agminis et sonus Est epulantis. In pastures fresh and green The white-robed saints are seen For ever resting; The kingly throne is near, And joyful shouts we hear, Of many feasting. IX.—Aria—Alto IX.—-Aria—Alto Gens duce splendida, Concio candida, Vestibus albis, Sunt sine fletibus In Syon aedibus, Htdibus almis; People victorious In raiment glorious, They stand for ever. God wipes away their tears, Giving, through endless years, Peace like a river. Sunt sine crimine, Sunt sine turbine, Sunt sine lite In Syon aedibus Editioribus Israelitre. Earth’s turmoils ended are, Strife, and reproach, and war, No more annoying: Children of blessedness Their heritage of peace Freely enjoying. X.—Chorus—A Capella X.—Chorus—A Capella Urbs Syon unica, Mansio mystica, Condita coelo, Nunc tibi gaudeo, Nunc mihi lugeo, Tristor, anhelo: City of high renown, Home of the saints alone, Built in the heaven; Now will I sing thy praise, Adore the matchless grace To mortals given. Te quia corpore Non queo, pectore Saepe penetro; Sed, caro terrea, Terraque carnea, Mox cado netro. Vainly I strive to teil All thy rieh glories well Thv beauty singing; Still, with the earnest heart, Bear I my humble part, My tribute bringing. 58