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(ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY ISABELLA G. PARKER.) PART I I.—Chorus Hora novissima, Tempora pessima Sunt, vigilemus! Ecce minaciter Imminet Arbiter Ille supremus: Imminet, imminet, Ut mala terminet, Hiqua Coronet, Recta remuneret, Anxia liberet, HJthera donet. Auferat aspera Duraque pondera Mentis onustse, Sobria muniat, Im'proba puniat, Utraque juste. II.—Quartet Hic breve vivitur, Hic breve plangitur, Hic breve fletur: Non breve vivere, Non breve plangere, Retribuetur. O retributio! Stat brevis actio, Vita perennis; O retributio! Coelica mansio Stat lue plenis; Quid datur et quibus HÜther? egentibus, Et cruce dignis, Sidera vermibus, Optima sontibus, Astra malignis. Sunt modo praelia, Postmodo prsemia. Qualia ? plena: Plena refectio, Nullaque passio, Nullaque poena. PART I I.—Chorus Cometh earth’s latest hour, Evil hath mighty power; Now watch we ever—- Keep we vigil. Lo, the great Judge appears! O’er the unfolding years: Watching for ever. Mightiest, mightiest, He is made manifest Right ever crowning— True hearts in mansion fair, Free from all anxious care, Ever enthroning. Bears he the painful goad, Lightens the heavy load, Heavy it must be; Giveth the rieh reward, Meteth the penance hard, Each given justly. II.—Quartet Here life is quickly gone, Here grief is ended soon, Here tears are flowing; Life ever fresh is there, Life free from anxious care, God’s hand bestowing. O blessed Paradise! Where endless glory lies, Rapture unending. O dwelling full of light, Where Christ’s own presence bright' Glory is lending. Who shall this prize attain, Who this blest guerdon gain, Here the cross bearing? Crowns for the lowliest, Thrones for the hobest, Heaven’s honours sharing. Now is the battle hour, Then great rewards our dower. What are they? blessing— Blessings unknown before, Passion shall vex no more, Peace yet increasing.