Dr. Frankun Lawson Lyric Tenor T3 RE-EMINENTLY entitled to be ranked with America’s foremost tenors and meriting that distinction in no little degree is Dr. Franklin Lawson, who has been accorded recögnition alloted to few. Dr. Lawson was born in Cambridge, Mass., educated in New York City and graduated at Columbia University as a physician and surgeon. Endowed with rare vocal gifts and a very certain artistic temperament, Dr. Lawson abandoned the practice of medicine and devoted himself exclusively to the perfection of bis vocal powers. Coupled with his natural voice of rare beauty is his comprehensive technical knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the organs of speech, thus enabling him to use with greatest effect and ease the superb equip- ment at his command. Dr. Lawson has been long known as one of New York’s greatest church singers and was persuaded to enter the concert field and devote himself to a larger sphere of activity. His success was immediate. Realizing his forte and desiring to avail himself of greater artistic advantages, Dr. Lawson spent some time in Paris, where he studied with the celebrated Sbriglia, one of the world’s most noted vocal authorities, and with Frank King Clark, the illustrious baritone and teacher. Possessing a voice of natural beauty, rieh and pure throughout its compass and under splendid control, Dr. Lawson has won his way into the hearts of his hearers. His fine schooling, great versatility and command of the literature and language relative to the art give him a unique place among the foremost concert singers to-day.