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Se£t. 333, inflammable substances. 459 The grey is reckoned the beft, and is fold very dear. This drug is brought to Europe from the Indies. It is employed in medicine: and alfo as a perfume [c]. grounded upon direcft proofs of fait, Rumphius, quoted by Bergman, long lince mentioned a tree, called Nanarium, whofe infpifiatcd juice refembles amber. It cannot therefore at prefent be doubted that the origin of this phlogiftic fub- ftance is the vegetable kingdom ; although it may be often found and reputed, as a produft of the foil'd kind. This fubftance, being analyfed by Meflrs. Gcofroy and New man, quoted by Mr. Fourcroy, yielded them the fame prin ciples, as the bitumens; viz. an acid fpirit, a concrete acid a t, fomc oil, and a charry refiduum; which evidently evinces, I think, that all thefe fat and oily foffil fubftances, have their origin from the other two kingdoms of Nature. The Editor. [<J Ambergrife is not only brought from the Eaft Indies, but from the coafts of the Bahama Itlands, Brafil, Madagaf- car, Africa China, Japan, the Molucca Iflands, the coafts of Coromandel Sumatra, & c . Dr. Lippert, in the Treatife he publilhed at Vienna, m 1782, entitled Phlogifto'.ogia MmeraHt has copied chiefly from Wallerius what he afierts of this lubftance. He affirms that there are eight known fpecies of amber, five of a fingle colour; viz. the white and the black from the Iftand of Nicobar, in the Gulph of Bengal, the afti coloured, the yellow, and the blackifli; and two variegated t viz. the grey coloured with black fpecks, and the grey with yellow fpecks. I his laft he afl'erts to be the moft efteemed on account ot its very fragrant fmell, and to come from the houth coaft ot Africa and Madagnfcar, as well as from Suma- •/Mk 1 1 tllC ljlaclc dark coloured amber is often found r °^ e ^ s '°f the cetaceous fifties. The fame author adds a o rom Vallerius, that by diddling the oil of yellow amber ■ l ] < ” cinum ) with three parts and a half of fuming nitroiu ^ CK .*. a . re fifi ui nn remains, like rolin, which emits a perfect me o mulk; from whence forue conclude, that the amber- ^ r .* ^. , e . 0,1 S 8 to the foffil kind: the contrary, however, i* evinced m the preceding Note. Tht Edittr. 2 SECT.