Sefh Z^t. INFLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES, 451 SECT. 231. (1 54 .) Phlogijlon combined with Serial Acid. Black T*. > °r Wadd* Phlogifton acido aerco iatiatum. Plumbago, hat. Rcifbley, Germ. Blyertz, Swed. [a). J • * • • • It Is found * ^ f ,^ ee *'g ra .* inc( I and dull texture, textura f \ e ?'- ^ * S natu rally black ; but when tubbed, it gives a dark lead-colour. finl7Ihe A C°/;J"4h' f Tu° S M i”' raI ”8 lfe . ton. dearly the fame j although on clnf "' a PP eara nce is the laft, which is col’nf a r ex:lm,nanon » the texture eafiiy rfiftinguiflies it f r0 m U °j/V 7 dlflma ° blotlg fcales * W, having Seen laXfo“ i"**, <W ‘ This . laft fub * will be ranged among thp ? ^ ° y ° P 3 meta P‘ c nature, Clafs of Minerals. tah in the fourth and la ft black"; whl’ fri! Umbag °- is 3 { ° m hibftance extremely Annin’ as lead. " “ 8PPearS ° f 3 bluiih wb »*. and and , when broken' 0 !? 0118 ’ and m,nuteI y f c»lv; pretty brittle; >-ves a tc Llaekirr a 7 nd ^ rubbed on p a p er . i, nt n ?’ fmooth > and lining trace, when with molybdene h ” e than tlm made -«r - pp " r ”"-™ iiiui.'tid i, fl)f[ t0 arik . fu ' ; ith flttU G s 3 Its