[ 433 ] CLASS III. Mineral Inflammable Subftances* SECT. 228. (144.) Inflammables. Pblogi/ia Minera/ia [<*]. r I ' O this clafs belong all thofe fnbterraneous . bodies that are difloluble in oils, but not m water, which they repel; catch flame in the fire ; and are ele&rical. It [&] Under the clafs of inflammables, are comprized all fuck minerals as may be deftroyed by combuftion, upon 1 the ap plication of a flrong heat; and which, in proper circum- fiances, emit flame, during fhe time of combuftion. Sulphure ous metallic ores, pyrites, and even metallic fubjlances, may be confidered a9 an order belonging to this clafs, although they require a ftil{ higher degree of heat, to drive off their phlo- l! °r' ^ le diamond and plumbago feem to be alfo i» e lame cale. This arrangement, however, would occa- *°n that confufion which is meant to be avoided, by the V tematic claflification given by our Author in Se<3. a. th r rf arc ^ t0 thefe two laft fubftances, I have retained, e Diamond among the precious Hones ; and the Plum- ago follow the Sulphurs in the prefent Clafs. The Mo- F f lybdena