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122 MARBLE. Grey Marbles are obtained from Ballykiloboy quarries, five miles from Waterford ; at Tullamore, and Clonmacnoise, King’s County, in company with dove-coloured varieties; also at Dromineer, Tipperary; Carrigaline, and Castlemary. They are often encri- nital. From Moate, Co. Meath, a handsome dark grey marble variegated with corallines is obtained. Reddish and Variegated Marbles are found near the city of Armagh, and at Middleton, Churclitown, and Little Island Quarries, Co. Cork. The Armagh stone presents when polished varying tints of light red, passing into purple, yellowish-brown, and dove- colour ; that from Middleton and Churchtown is of a rich brownish-red, variegated with white or light- coloured strings, specks and patches ; and very hand some chimney-pieces, panels, pilasters, and slender shafts for buildings have been formed of it. A brownish-red variety, mottled with various shades, occurs at Ballymahon, Co. Longford. At Pallaskenry, in the Co. Limerick, a dark red and mottled marble is met with, and has been largely used. 1 Cream-coloured Marble is obtained from Armagh and Cheevy, six miles from Dungannon. Variegated Marbles. At Killarney occurs a very beautifully striped white and red marble, and in the islands of the Kenmare Liver, near Dunkerron, marbles of various colours, black and white, purple, 1 Gwilt, Encyc. Arch. p. 495.