CHAPTER III. SEBPENTINES OF THE AMEEICAN CONTINENT. Canada. The serpentine rocks of Canada are found amongst the metamorphic strata of the Lauren- tian series, and the Quebec group. From the former they have been obtained at Wentworth ; also from the 5th range of Grenville and Burgess, where the green colour is varied by rich brown clouds and spots, and is highly ornamental. 1 The Laurentian serpentine has recently attracted much investigation from the views put forth by Sir W. Logan, Dr. Dawson, Dr. Carpenter, and others, regarding the organic structure of this rock—views, however, which are combated by Professors King and Kowney, of Queen’s College, Galway. The ques tion is one of much uncertainty, and must be left to the determination of those who, possessing an inti mate acquaintance with the structure and mode of development of lowly-organized marine forms on the one hand, and of serpentinous minerals on the other, have had opportunities of microscopic examin ation of the rocks themselves. Therefore, without 1 Logan, Geology of Canada, p. 471 (1863).