Projekt: Bestände der Universitätsbibliothek Freiberg
LDP: UB Freiberg Druckschriften
Chap. IV. General Account Of The Different Formations, In Regard To Their Succession And Stratification, And This Illustrated By A Short Description Of The Hartz And The Saxon Erzgebirge
74 INTERNAL STRUCTURE. fition, furround them in mantle-fhaped ftrata. Im mediately on the neweft of the Tranfition Rocks refts the oldeft of the Floetz, the Old Red Sand- Itone; to this fucceeds the other Floetz-forma- tions, in the following order, according to their re lative age •,—Firft Flcetz-Limeftone,—Firft Floetz- Gypfum,—-Second or Variegated Sandftone,—Se cond or Newer Floetz-Gypfum,—Second Floetz- Limeftone. Thefe Floetz rocks are the links that connect the Tranfition with the Alluvial, the next clafs of rocks. Thefe are found in the loweft fituations. We have thus from Granite to the Al luvial Formation, all the feries marked with a di- minifhing level, in proportion to the newnefs of the ftrata. Defcripiion of the Saxon Erzgebirge. The mine-diftrift of the Eledorate of Saxony has a bafis of Granite, which rifes through the fu- perincumbent rocks in three different places, at Altenberg, Johanngeorgenftadt, and Bobrifch on the road leading from Freyberg to Drefden. The newer formations, viz. Gneifs, Mica-flate, Topaz- rock, and Clay-flate, are wrapped around the Gra nite in mantle-fhaped ftrata, and the diminifhing levels of the outgoings of the ftrata correfpond to the newnefs of the formations. Over thefe, we meet with other primitive formations, that over lie the older formations j and their continuity is partly