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frt INTERNAL STRUCTURE. Structure of the Crust of the Globe. 39. The fourth and laft kind offtrudure we have to defcribe, is by far the moft extenfive and im portant. It is the ftrudure of the cruft of the globe itfelf, in fo far as it is compofed of Rock- Formationsof different magnitudes, laid over each other in certain diredions. ■Under the five following heads, Werner com prehends every relation refpeding the extent and relative polition off Formations in general. , a * ■ ■i.The original extent of formations. . 2. Their prefent extent and continuity. 3. The pofition and direction of the Jlrata of for mations, in ref peel to the fundamental rock. jIf 4. The direction of the Jlrata thenfelves, without reference to the fundamental rock. 5. The relation of the outgoings of the Jlrata to the exterior of the mountain. 17 % !•■-■ h: It may be previoufly remarked, that when one formation lies on another, it is faid to rejl on it, and the rock on which it refts is termed xhe. funda mental rock; and the plane which feparates the fundamental rock from the formation that covers it, is denominated the plane of feparation, which is always parallel with the feams'of the ftrata.