33 6 Volcanoes. 2. Gorante, a volcano fituated on the fouth-weft part of Natolia, on the ftiore of the Mediterranean fea. 3. It is faiJ that there are two volcanoes in a (late of a&ivity, in Perlia. AJiatic I/lands. 1. Nine volcanoes in the Kurile Iflands. 2. Ten volcanoes in the iflands of Japan ; of thefe, three are fituated in the ifland of Nipon ; three in the ifland of Kiu; one in the ifland of Kiu-Kiufma; one in the Ifle de Feu; one in the Ifle de Volcan, and one in the iflands of Leoo- Keoo. 3. The unfortunate Peyroufe mentions feveral volcanoes he obferved among the Ladrone Iflands. 4. There are feveral volcanoes in the Manilla * t Iflands, and of thefe three are particularly men tioned by travellers. 5. There are four volcanoes in the Molucca Iflands, viz. one in Ternate, one on Tola, one in Sorra, and one in Banda. 6. Captain Bligh obferved a volcano in a (late of adlivity in the ifland of Flores, to the weft of Timor. 7. According to Marfden, there are five vol canoes in the ifland of Sumatra, and one of them at a height equal, if not fuperior, to that of iEtna. 8. Two volcanoes have been obierved in the ifland of Java. 9. There