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Scotland. : Eng. Feet- Hanginlhaw, - " I 9 8 ° Ward Law, - ‘ I 9°° Peat Law, " . ' ' r 1 ^4 Meagle, " 14 ° Roxburghjlnre. Cheviot Hills, - - 2682 Millenwood Fell, - 2000 Windhead Hill, - - 2000 Tudhope, - 1830 Wifp Hill, - * 1830 Ruber’s Law, - - *4*9 Eilden Hills,—the mod wefterly, and higheft, - " 1300 Dunian’s Hill, - ” 1024 Minto Hill, - - 838 Peeblesjhire. Dollarburn, by eftimation, - 2,840 Broad Law, - - 2800 Glumfeugh, - 2200 Hillfcleugh, - .2100 Dundroigh, or Druid’s Hill, / - 2100 Minchmoor Hill, - - 20CO Carden Hill, - - J 4°° Lanarkjhire. Tinto Hill, 1720. According to others, 2432 The