VEINS. 247 Thevein-ftones (gangue, gangarten) are principally quartz, fometimes A little brown-fpar; and, rarely, A little calcfpar, almoft always cryftalliz-d Quartz appears to be the oldeft or firft formed o all the foffils of this formation. The lead- g ance, black-blende, arfenic, iron and copper pyrites K Senera V° be c^PoninL w tion, but newer than the quartz. If , in any in _ ftance there appears a difference in the relative and 1 1 6 1 0reS ,’ blCnde aPPCarS t0 b ° the oldel V and S anCC the ncwdL Sparry-ironftone “^ brown-fpar are ftill newer, for they occur al- VdnS ’ and fre * rarelv and r CaIcf P ar ’ w!l,ch occurs but 7, and m fmall quantity, in the veins of this formation, ,s the neweft foffd, its cryftals covering h a ' he drures - BeMeS the mi lately unitenogethe?Tndwt-T hiCh ^ body of the v • r h com P°fe the Poln of eZ WC metWitU fma11 ftill oP C0 PP cr -Pyntes and lead-glance of a itm newer formation : thefe „ a little quartz alwavs n • ores > united with Cpar, but ZVl in Ur k ; nCrj,,U,s “P 0 “ b ™»"- ife qa e nt ,rLz I rrt: md z;:i c r , r;' mentioned otCT> co p p er .p yrites „e curs ZfZieft occurs in fome of thefe veins, and