Independent Coal Formation. i%*? 14. Its pofition in regard to the other fioetz rocks is (till fomewhat doubtful. I am colledting materials for the determination of this important' point, and hope to be able to communicate them to the public in my Geognojlic EJJays. 8. Newell Floetz-Trap Formation *. Floetz-Trapp Gebirge.—Werner. Traps ftratiformes ou fecondaires.—Broch. r. This formation is particularly interefting, not only on account of the rocks of which it is compo- fed, but alfo from the important views it opens to us refpe&ing the formation of the cruft of the globe, and its being the feat of thofe ftriking phe nomena Volcanoes. 2. It contains feveral rocks which are peculiar to it, and others that occur in other fioetz formations. The peculiar or charadleriftic rocks are, bafalt, wacke, greyftone, porphyry Jlate, and trap-tuff. The following are the rocks that occur in this and in feveral other floetz-formations: Greenjlone, amygda loid, pitchjlone, objidian, compact felf par, clay- Vol. III. A a Jlone, * The principal rocks belonging to the trap formation are denominated ivhinjlone by feveral mineralngifts in this place. I have generally employed the term Trap, becaufe it has been accurately explained, the various rocks arranged under it ad mirably defcribed and difcriminated, and as it is a term uni- verfally employed as the claffic name for this formation by all the mineralogifts in Europe.