Flcetz Gypsum. ftone formation. It confifts of compaft and gra nular gypfum; contains much felenite and ftink- ftone ; which latter is either mixed with it, or al ternates with it. Rock-falt alfo occurs in it. 2. It is fometimes porphyritic, and then con tains cryftals of quartz, boracite, or arragon. 3. It extends through a great part of Germany. It firft appears in Holftein ; pafies on to Lunne- burg and Thuringia; then appears in Anfpach, Bavaria, Silefia, Switzerland, South of France, and Arragon in Spain ; alfo 011 the banks of the Wol- ga, and in South America. 2. Second Floetz-Gypfum. Zweiter Floetz-Gyps.—Werner. 1. It refts on the variegated or fecond fandftone formation, even fometimes alternates with it, and is covered by the fecond or Ihell limeftone formation. 2. It alfo contains granularfoliated gypfum, but little or no felenite, and is charadterifed by fibrous gypfum, which is peculiar to it. It does not oc cur fo abundantly as the firft floetz-formation, and alternates more frequently than the other with fandftone and clay. The different imbedded fof- fils, as boracite, arragon, &c. that occur in the firft formation, do not appear in this. 3. It occurs in Saxony, Silefia, Bavaria; alfo in Cumberland and Chelhirc. Befides thefe two formations of floetz-gypfum, there are feveral others; but it is ftili undetermi ned