Flcetz-Gyfsum. 171 bad, it is feldom burnt, but is principally em ployed as a building-ftone. It often contains pe trifactions ; as corallites, ammonites, &c., and fome- times lead-glance is diffeminated through it. 6. At Wehraw, in Upper Lufatia, there is a limeftone formation which contains newer petri factions, as peCtinites and mytilites. It alternates with beds of fandftone, and the whole refts upon alluvial land. 7. In Sweden, there is a ficetz-limeftone, of a reddilh-brown colour, which frequently contains petrifactions: it is horizontally ftratified, and fre quently contains beds of a variety of alum-flate. 8. The beautiful conchoidal limeftone of Greece probably conftitutes a particular formation. 9. It thus appears, that there are two diftinCt flcEtz-limeftone formations; and that we pofleis an imperfeCt knowledge of three other depofitions of the fame rock, that feem to differ from the two al ready defcribed. S. Floetz-Gypfum. Floetz-Gyps-Gebirge.—Werner. 1. This rock, like limeftone, is fimple, and con tains only accidental intermixed parts. 2. It is more or lefs diftinCtly ftratified, and fome- times occurs in unftratified mafles and beds of great thicknefs. It is principally compofed of gypfum, and fometimes contains ftinkftone, and clay, and even fandftone.