170 FLCETZ ROCKS. - tifbon. It extends throughout the whole of Lower Saxony, even to the fea-coaft. From Suabia, it extends into France, where it forms the mountains 0 Jura. It is alfo laid to form the greater part of Carniola, Dalmatia, and the neighbouring coun tries : is conjectured to form the rock of Gibral tar ; the mountains in the vicinity of Algiers • thofe near Suez in Egypt ; Lebanon in Syria, and' confidence tracks of country in Siberia. 4- In Poland and Silefia, there is a flcetz lime- ftone that alternates with beds of lead-glance and calamine, and which was at one time fufpected to conftitute a diftinCt formation. According to the ate obfervations of Karlten, it appears to be I'ub- ordinate to the firft floer z limeftone ; but Werner is of opinion, that it belongs to the Second Floetz!. Iimefione *. ' 5 Between Drefden and Meilfen, particularly near Plauen, and in the vicinity of Gottingen, there is another depofite of limeftone, which dif fers in fome of its characters from the fecond. fketz-limeftone ; but thefe differences are not fuch as to entitle us to confider it a different formation. It IS, therefore, now arranged as a variety of the Second Floetz limeftone f. It i s fddotn ,,ure ■ „ nerally earthy, fandy, or marly ; and as it is ufnally bad, Thb depofite was formerly denominated the Cala. mine Foimautn. t This depofit^was formerly denominated the Third rloetz Limeftone Formation,