Second Sandstone. 161 and is covered by the fecond floetz-limeftone ; lies much deeper, and its outgoings are much lower than thofe of the old red fandftone. Between this ' formation and the fecond floetz limeftone, there lies a bed of granular clay-ironftone, which has been traced through Bavaria, Franconia, Suabia, Salzburg, &c. The fame bed appears in precifely the fame gcognoftic fituation in Thuringia, but there it appears only as little more than a brown- ifli red feam or ftreak of iron-ochre. The whole country of Thuringia is filled with this formation. It occurs alfo in the diftridts of Mansfeldt and Magdeburg ; in Franconia, and manyother places in Germany. It probably ac companies the roeftone in England. 3. Third Sandltone Formation. Dritter Sandftein.—Werner. Befides the two preceding diftinct and cha- radteriitic formations, there is a third which is very extenfive. Its geognoilic relations and age have not hitherto been very accurately afcertained ; it appears, however, to be confiderably newer than either of the fandftone formations already defcribed. It is diftinguiflied from them by the following characters. It contains many traces of coal; it does not prefent a variety of colours; on the con trary, is always white: it never contains clay- galls, nor does it alternate with fandftone-flate or roeftone, and it never contains gypfum. No rock prefents a greater variety of external Vol. III. X appearance