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8a internal structure. period when the* earth was ftill covered to a great height with water, neither plants nor animals had been created. When the water diminifhed in height, J, and' the"dry land; began to appear, ma rine plants, and. the loweft and moll imperfeCt animals, were created. As the water diminifhed, it appears to have become gradually more fitted for the fupport of animals and vegetables, as we find them increafing in number, variety and per fection, and approaching more to the nature of thofe in the prefent feas, the lower the level of the outgoings of the ftrata, or, what is the fame thing, the lower the level of the water. The fame gradual increafe of organic beings appears to have taken place on the dry land. 44. We have now dated feveral of the ge neral appearances on which the Wernerian the ory of the diminution of the water of the globe refts. The next queftion which naturally prefents it- felf, is the following : What has become of the im- menfe volume of water that once covered and flood fo high over the whole earth? Although we cannot give any very fatisfaClory anfwer to this queftion, it is evident that the theo ry of the diminution of the water remains equally probable. We may be fully convinced of its truth, and are fo, although we may not be able to ex plain it. To know from obfervation that a great phenomenon