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C-4 J sapphire. Fig. 33. Double, three-fided pyramid. Fig. 34. Extremities of the pyramid deeply truncated. Fig. 3 5. Very deeply truncated. Fig. 36. Six-fided table. Fig. 37. Common bafis of the pyramid truncated. Fig. 38. Six-fided prifm, acuminated by three planes, which are placed on the alternate lateral edges, and the extremities of the acuminations flightly trun cated. Fig. 39. Preceding figure, having its acumi nations fo deeply truncated that the remains of the truncating planes appear like truncations on the al ternate angles. Fig. 40. bix-fided prifm. Fig. 41. Six-fided ta ble. Fig.- 42. Six-fided prifm, truncated on the edges and angles. Fig. 43. Preceding figure, only truncated on the terminal edges. Fig. 44. Six- fided prifm, acuminated by fix planes, fet on the la teral planes, and the extremity of the'acumination truncated. Fig. 43. Double fix-fided pyramid. Fig. 46. Same figure, with its extremities truncated. 47' Same more deeply truncated. Fig. 4S. Same figure, in which the alternate angles, form ed by the meeting of the truncating plane and the acuminating planes are truncated. Fig. 40. Acute, fingle fix fided pyramid, having its iateral edges trun cated. fig. 30. Single fix-fided pyramid. Fig. 51. Single fix tided pyramid, in which the alternate and alternating angles are flightly truncated. Fig. 52. Acute fix-fided pyramid, flatly acuminated by three planes, which are fat-on the alternate lateral edges. PRECIOUS BERYLL. 53; Six-fided prifin, wi’h truncated lateral edges, fig. 54. Same figure, with truncated angles; ^*0 5“v Six fided prifm, acuminated by fix planes, which are placed on the lateral planes, and the ex tremities