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6c6 STRONTIANE GENUS. Geognostic Situation. £1 U c Sometimes occurs in* fulphur' beds. Vide Nat. ’Journal. Geographic Situation. Is found very finely cryftallifed in Sicily; alfo in fhe South of England, near Briftol, .x;.,. ^ - .I.---. Obfervations.- ' ‘ • ■ - •' ' :-ds 13 j; x. Celeftine has been alfo found cryftallifed. in a. Oblique four-fided prifms having fometimes fj.. alternately broader.- and narrower lateral planes, and acuminated by four planes which are fet on the lateral edges, and ^ . which terminate in a line which is in the e ' r’ .-direction of the acuter lateral edges. b. Sofnetitnes the acuter lateral edges, and the -■? edges /ormed by the meeting of the acumi nating planes are truncated. Thefe cryftallizations belong to a lubfpecies that may be denominated radiated 4 celeftine, and which differs from the foliated in cryffalligation, aggrega tion of cryftals, frafture, and diftindl concretions. 2 * Th^ re is found, imbedded in clay, in the gyP s quarries of Mont Martre near Paris, a compart fub- fpecies