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-$$6 BARYTE GENUS. '’5 ./rt*; ylfjJoo '•Jni'sf-Tfj OV/t at] X' .j. hL;:.zD3 :-:r:i!-fnol • ' ■ * *9;H T H^;F 8 B P EC 30 t :u:onf;/t uf!3 t ::...batlq: ] ;. d ^; : ^r Bolognefe Spar. * y **;£*, ’ I,JiV '■'■'■laidi 30 ” ' r, ~?ns''d Yi .loir*.-:! i./i 'ii'j -flor> wtogsefer Spafa-rWlrrti#'. '. UTj0 -r '.)17 'U. r ! iJ/1.3 " Gjpfum fpathofum opacum femipellucidum, Wall.'t. 1, p. 1^9 —Varr of bljettrjger fchweripath', f. 561.—*■ Bologneferftein, Emm-1>. 4. f. 572—Litheofphore, Xfl«. t. 2. p- 24.—-Baryte fulphatee rayonnde, Hauy, t. 2. p. 302.—Le fpath de Bologue pula "pierce :de Bologne, -I -tBfocb. t. 1. p. 633*.:%.*... YliJs-j •(!.;'>:;• 7. :-jff t*j' . / f * " r - *v. r~ O ’ Ar »•••’’ ... . tft ■ , •* - ' - - * « . ^ 1 » - » / External Characters. ■ ■ Its colour is fmoke grey, which pafies into alh grey and yellowj At grey. It occurs in roundifli and blunt edged flatly com- prefled pieces, having an uneven'furface j fonie pieces have even the fpheroidal lhape of the lens ; others ex hibit traces of a low three- fided pyramid. Internally its luftre - is-fometimes Ihining, fometimes gliftening and refinous. vr'I’rachire- j 6 paralltsly, ftellularly 5 ..and fcopiformly diverging radiated; fometimes alfo foliated in certain 'iTU'-vf dire&ions