Heavy Spar. 595 4. The two oppofite obtufe lateral edges arc fometimes truncated, and thus a fix-fidetj. prifm is formed Cryftals are middle fized and fmall, form drufes, and interfedl one another. Luftre is Ihining and fplendent, and reftnous, or pearly ? Fra&ure is lamellar or foliated, with a three-fold .cleavage like lamellar heavy fpar. It occurs in coa-fe and fmall grained diftinft con cretions, and this diftinguilhes it from lamellar heavy jf* V ^Generally tranflncent, cryftals are often tranfpa- rent. k .Soft. Not particularly -brittle. ' Uncommonly eafily frangible, more fo than lamel lar heavy fpar. In other charters the fame as the preceding fubfpecies. Geographic Situation• Found in mineral veins in Saxony. Obfervation• It was formerly confounded with lamellar heavy ‘ ' EIGHTH