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- Heavy Spar. 5 8 5 Sometimes feveral colours occur together, and are diftributed in broad ftriped delineations. Occurs moll commonly maflive, frequently reni- form, alfo globular and with impreffions; alfo in fmal lenfes and four-fided tables, which have always a drufy furface. . . Internally its luftre is gliftening paffipg into Ihin- ing, and is intermediate between pearly and refmous. Fracture generally curved foliated, and fome fpe- cimens pafs into Tplintery, (the latter has the lead luftre , even into fcopiformly diverging radiated; this has molt luftre. ' Fragments generally indeterminately angular, blunt eJ ut commonly compofed, particularly the renh form, of curved and thick lamellar d ft. oft concre- tions, which are bent in the direction of the external furface, and according to which the colour is arrang- ed. More or lefs tranflucent. Soft, in a low degree. Faftly frangible. Heavy. , For its geognoftic and geographic fituations fee the following lubfpecies. I FIF1II