57 3 BARYTE GENUS. F 1 R S T :r S U-B SPECIES • Heavy fpar Earth. sH Schwerfpath Trde—Werner. Baryte vitrioleo terreufq, lie Born, t. r. p. 268 Schwer- fpatherde, W'ul. G ,558—Earthy barofelenite, Kir-w. vol. 1, p. 138—ScHwerfpath erde, EJltier, b 2 f. 1143, Id. Emm. b. 1. f. j|o.—Baryt-vitriolata terrea, "Nap. p."402.— Le fpath pefant terreux, Broch. t."i. p' 617. ■■ ■ ; i ‘‘- * .U' * . r, • f * V ' * ' rr \ : ■ External Chara6lers. Ifs colours are reddifh and yellowifh white. It confifts of glimmering, and generally coarfe earthy particles, that are intermediates between dufty and fcaly, and fometimes.rather angular, ■?> Occurs maffive. 1 * Does not foil. Sometimes loofe, fometimes more or lefs cohering, or of friable confiftence. Feels rough and coarfe, meagre and fomewhat fharp. Not particularly heavy, approaching to heavy. GcognosliC