C s 6 i ) NINETEENTH SPECIES. Selenite. F raueneis. —Werner. Gypfum felenltes, Wall. t. i. p. 165.—Selenite, R. d. L. t. 1. p. 441. Fraueneis, Wern. Cronjl. f. 53.*-Broad foliated gypfurti, Kiriu. vol. 1. p. 123—Fraueneis, Emm. b. 1. f. 540 Chaux fulphatee cryftalifee, Hauy. t. 2. p. 266.—La felenite, Broch. t. 1. p. 605. 1 External Characters, Its principal colour is fnow white, which pafies in- ydlowilh and greyifh white ; from greyilh white it Pafies into fmoke grey, and feldom into alh grey; from yellowilh white it paffes into wax, honey, and ° c hre yellow, and into yellowilh brown; but this frtter colour is produced by an intermixture with ftinkftone. Is moll generally maflive, and not un* frequently cryflallifed as follows: 1. Pretty oblique fix-fided prifm, having two oppofite planes larger, and four oppofite fmaller, and rather flatly bevilled on both extremities, the bevilling planes fet oblique- 4 D 2 *7*