54* CALC GENUS Conjllluent Parts. Phofphoric acid 45,72 According to Vauqudin. Geographic Situation. Its geognoftic fituation, is ftill very imperfe&ly known. It has been hitherto found at Caprera, near Cape de Gate, in the kingdom of Murcia in Spain, and a bluifh variety ? has been found at Langloe, near Arendal in Norway. Obfervations. 1. It is diftmguifhed from appatite, with which it has been often confounded, by the following charac ters : 1. Its afparagus green colour. 2. Its ftruc- ture, which is concentric lamellar. 3. The generally fmooth lurface of the planes. 4. Its acuter acumi- nations. 5. Its difference in fpecific gravity. 'I' 0 thefe may be added, 6. Its non-phofphorefcence when laid on coals ; and 7 Its folution in acids with out effervefcence ? 2. It was by Rome de I.ifle confounded with chry- folite ; but Werner, by a careful examination of i ts charafters,