5°6 CALC GENUS. . Fr r adure curved footed, fingle cleavage, and paffes into Email fcaly, ' < Fragments indeterminately angular, blunt edged. . Frelents iar o e > coarfe, Email, and fine grained dif- tmct concretions. Generally opaque. Soils a little. Very foft. Mild, Moft generally completely friable. Feels fine, but not greafy. Creaks a little. Light. Chemical Characters and Constituent Parts, . ? /r makes a vej T brifk effervefcence with acids, and is diffolved in them. According to Wiegleb it is a compound of lime and carbonic acid. Geognostic Situation. ft occurs in cavities of the oldeft floetz limeftone. Ohfervation•