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Limkitone. 493 f. The acute double threeTided pyramid is fome- times truncated on the lateral edges, fome- times bevilled ; in the latter cafe, when the bevilling planes become fo large that the original ones are very fmall, or even difap- pear, the refult is, an acute double three- fided pyramid, having its plane length-wife divided, or it is a double fix-fided pyramid. If the fummits of the double fix-fided pyra mid are deeply truncated, it gives nfe to the fix-fided table, having its terminal planes fet on alternately in oppofite di rections. The cryflals are aggregated in a variety of fhapes; thus the flat double pyramids are fometimes difpofed tn rows, globularly, or rofe like. I lie fix-fided pnlms a te fometimes fcalarwife, fcopiformly and globularly a ggregated. The acute three-fided pyramids are fometimes s hollow. The lateral planes of the cry flals are commonly hncoth and fliining and fplendent; fometimes aifo ghflening and dull. Internally its luflre alternates from fplendent and Specularly fplendent to fliining and gliflening, and is tttofl commonly vitreous, which in fome varieties in- c hnes a little to refinous, in others to pearly. In gcne- ra l the intenfity of the luflre corrcfponds with the tfanfparency. It is fometimes pretty perfectly pearly ° n the furface. 2 S Fracture