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LiMestone. 487 life. . It is employed for the fame purpofes 2s common compaft limeftone, but on account of its granular frafture, its higher degree of' tranfparency, and its greater variety and beauty of colour, is has alfo, from rime immemorial, been ufed by the ftatuary and archite£b ' The hiftory of all the varieties of marbles, with the account of their individual ufes, value, &c. will be given in the volumes of this work that treat of Oeco- nomical Mineralogy. Obfcrvaiion. Tournefort, in his voyage to the Levant, informs us that M. Lauthier, fecretary to the King of France, tad in his pofleffion a flexible fandflone; flnce that time, fimilar varieties have been imported from Brazil; und more lately, M. Fieuvian de Belvue has difco- v ered varieties of granular limeftone that poflefs, in un eminent degree, the fame property. lie has fuc- c eeded in rendering common granular limeftone and granular quartz completely flexible, by expoftng them to a certain degree of heat. \ t b. Caip.