\ 484 CALC GENUS. a. Granular Limtflcne, Komiger Kalkftein.—Werner. Calcareus micans, Wall. t. 1. p. 126—Calcareus inequa- biiis, Id. p. 128 Marmor unicolor album, Id. p. >33' —Korniger kalkftein, Wid. f 496.—Foliated and grinU* lar limeftone, Kirw. yol. 1. p. 84.—Korniger kalkfte' 11 ' Eflner, b. 2. f. 931. Id. Emm. b i.f. 445.—Pierre cal* caire grenue, Brocb. t. 1. p. 531. External CbaraElers. Its mod common colour is white, of which it p re * fents the following varieties : fnow white, yellowilh white, greyilh white, and greenilh white, leldom ted dilh white. From greyilh white it palfes mt° bluilh, greenilh, afh, and fmoke grey, and from tb** fmoke grey into greyilh black. From the rcdm white it paif~s into pearl grey and flelh red, and fr 0 ’ 11 yellowilh white into cream yellow. From gt een ilh white it palfes into lilkin and olive green. It is generally uniform, feldom marked with fp ot ted and clouded delineations. Maffive. * , J 1 Internally it alternates from Ihming to glinem and glimmering, fome varieties even appr oaC ^^