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/ 466 TALC GENUS. SECOND SUBSPECIES. \ Common Tremolite. Gemeiner Tremolith.—Werner, f , Id. Efner t b. 2. f. 901. Id- Emm. h. 1. f. 416 Gram* matite, Hauy?—La tremolithe commune, Broch. t. !• P- S I 5> External Characters. Its colours are greyilh, greenifli, yellowifh and reddilh white. The greenifli white pafles into pale afparagus green; and the greyifli white into dark fmoke grey. It probably alfo occurs bluifh grey? when verging on kyanite. Occurs fometimes maffive, fometimes in long and very oblique four-fided prifms, in which the obtufc lateral edges are fometimes rounded oft', fo that the cryftal has a reed-like afpeft; fometimes they arc bevilled, and the bevilling planes are fet on the acute lateral edges ; and fometimes the lateral edges arc truncated. The cryftals are middle fized, longitudinally ftreak- ed, promifcuoufly aggregated, and are imbedded. Occurs