( 449 ) , , FOURTH SUBSPECIES, Rock Wood. Bergholz .-^Werher. ■Id. Wid. f. 473.—'Lighiformalbeit us, Kirw. vol. x. p. 161. ‘ ■—Bergboli, Ejbter, b i. f. 877. Id. Emm. b. 1. f. 416. Legno- mofttano, Map. £>• jitAlbefte lijtpiifbrtrie, Hauy, t. 3. p. 240 Lebois de montagne, Sroeb. t. 1. P 499- External Characters. Its colour is wood brown of various degrees of iiUenfity. Occurs maffive, and in plates. Internally its luftre is glimmering. Fra&ure in the great curved foliated, in the fniall delicately and promifcuous fibrous. Fragments flaty. Streak more (hining than its luftre. Soft, paffing into very foft. Mild. Rather difficultly frangible, A little elaftically flexible. Feels meagre. Light. . Geognostic