INTRODUCTION. tier terms the geognoftic chara&er. I Ihall mention a ew mftances. Glance cobalt has fo flriking a refem- ance to arfenical pyrites that it is often confounded however occurs along with copper-nickel, _ ic is never the cafe with arfenical pyrites ; this then ‘ t e geognoflic character which afcertains it to be g ance cobalt. Native arfenic frequently occurs along or 1 ^ or I > h n ent, but it never acompanies red lead fo rTA-^ , t ^f re h ;)re 5 fcrves as an excellent character 1 mguilhing thefe two minerals, in doubtful cafes. 1 • ~V ^°£ ra phic Character—is determined from the P ace or local fituation of a mineral. Thus if ■ e are prefented with a cochineal red coloured mi- era rom Joangeorgenftadt, its birth place or geo- if th? C f hr ann «unces it to be red filver ore : conhder i^s ^ Landfter S or Iciria, we would mines, or thor mna ^ 7** ir * rom the Hungarian vvould reckon i,;7c„ B p^ o y" lian WB fined i»i?ii°n Sra| ’ hlC chlraaer raul1 - however, be con- occtirrenr, P- '“ r ° W linli,s - “ * know that .he lar f pots '1 "' merals ” ld Jorn confined to particu- 'he fpecimen° UtUn 7’ ^ WG afC ° lten Ulicertain ^ tioned, S WC arc lrom lhe P iaces men- cwS° ft, n C - chi,rl ‘ aer ' on 'he contrary, is h“ been hithenl fo M ? !* "f™* Ihat * f«™: 1. l. i ° 10 lmk attended to. eh. M 5 e hinds of chTrsfte^ 1 dl( ‘ )Uted which of the preceding w"- a,d diforinX:,? T iu,ted f»c-hedcfc.iptionL“K~ >.n..tton of minerals. I. was long the pro- ^' V -iling