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C 433 ) SECOND SUBSPECIES. ~ Common or Venetian Talc. Gemeiner Talc.—Werner. Gemeiner talc, Wid. p. Common talc, or Venetian talc, Kirw. vol. I. p. 15c.—Gemeiner talc, Efiner,h. 2. f. 824.—Id. Emm. b. 1. f. 391—Talco compatto, Nap. p. 293.—Talc ecailleux—Lam. t. 2. p. 342. Talc laminaire Hany Letalc commun, Broch. t. 1. p. 487. External Cbarafters. Its principal colour is apple green, which paffes on one fide into greenifh white, and even into filver white, on the other into afparagus green, and rarely into emerald green ? Is maffive, and diffeminated, and in extremely delicate and fmall tabular cryftals, which aie forne- times colle&ed in drules. It is almoft always fplendent and Ihining, and in ternally it is pearly or femi-metallic j (the white Varieties poffefs the femi-metallic luftre). Fra&ure ftraight, and curved foliated, often alfo undulatingly foliated, as is the cafe with mica. Fragments