Serpentine. 423 to dull, when there are no foreign particles to give a flight degree of luflre, Fra&ure is fometimes fplintery, fometimes large a nd flat conchoidal, alfo fmall grained, uneven, paf- fing into-even. Fragments are indeterminately angular, not par ticularly (harp edged. Faintly tranflucent on the edges. Soft. Not particularly brittle, paffing into mild. Not very difficultly frangible. Feels a little greafy. Not particularly heavy. Chemical Character. Before the blow pipe, it is infufible without ad dition. f Constituent Parts. 33>5° 35.° 45.00 41,0 10,0 3>° 14.00 6,25 Knoch. Chem. Ann. Bayer- 1790. 2. f. 504. Geognostic Nagnefia 23,0 Silica 4S>° Alumina >8,o Iron 3>° Non and a trace of al. Fime Water 12, Kirwatu