418 TALC GENUS, SIXTH SPECIES, Steatite. ' Speckftein.—Werner. Creta hifpanica, 1/ill. t. i. p. 396.—Creta brianfonia, Wall. t. 1. p. 390—SpeHftein, Wid. f. 451.—Semindurated Steatite, Kirw. vol. 1. p. 151—Speftftein, Ejlner. b 2. f. 791,—Id. Emm. b. f. 363—Steatite compatta, Nap• p. 296—Steatite, Lam. t. 2. p. 343—La Steatite com mune, Broch. t. x. p. 474. External Cbaraflers. Its principal colour is white, of which it prefents the following varieties : greyifh, greenilh, feldom yellowifh, and reddifh white: the reddilh borders on flefh red: the greenilh white paffes into mountain, oil, and laltly into iilkin green. Sometimes it Ihews dendritic and fpotted delinea tions. It occurs maflive, difleminated, in crufts, and cryftallifed. lhe cfyftals are fix-fided prifms, acuminated on both extremities by fix planes, that are fet on the la teral planes. The cryftals are very rare. The