Fullers Earth. 411 Geognostic Situation. : . At RolTwein in^Upper Saxony, it is found under fli'ata of greenftone flate, confequently it there be ings to the primitive rocks. In England, where the fineft fullers earth is found, it is ftill problemati cal whether it occurs in alluvial land, or in one of the newer flotz formations, or in both. Geographic Situation. Found in Ilatnplhire and Bedfordlhire in Eng- | an d ; at llofswein andin Voightl and in Saxony ; at ^htenau in Alface; and Ofmundburg in Sweden. ► • - r *>. Ufe. . .• • ‘ _ ^ is ufed for cleanfing woollen cloth, which is ef- e <- ed by an operation called fulling, whence the natne fullers earth. Obfervatiom. in ^ 6rner f u fp e &s that the fullers earth of Roffvvein fto aX ° n ^ * S ormc ^ by the dccompofition of gseen- ne flate, as it is there covered by it, and we can acc the gradation from fully-formed fullers earth to frefh