Meerschaum. 4°7 I ' _ ' Geognoflic Situation. It is faid to occur in fome places in beds- ,'i . :'Tj ” . • Geographic Situation. It is principally found in Natolia, in Lefier Afia ; an d the ifland of Samos; alfo in Greece, Hungary, Robfchiitz in Moravia*: at Valecas near Madrid in °Pam ; in fmall quantities in Thuringia; and in fome Parts of the continent of America. u: ... Ufe. It is principally ufed for the manufacture of the ^ e ads of tobacco pipes, and the quantity employed for that purpofe is very great. It is faid that the Turks it, when fpread on bread, as a medicine, and cover , le head and eyes of dead bodies with it, before bu- [ la h As it ablorbs oily matter it is uled by the ar tars for cleanfing. Obfervaticns. *■ It is fufliciently diftinguifhed from native talc att h by its colours, greater foftnefs, and lefs fpecific 3 G 2 S ravit y ;