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406 TALC GENUS: r Fragments indeterminately angular, pretty Iharp edged. Opaque. Streak fhining. Soft, palling into very foft. Mild. Not particularly eafily frangible. Adheres ftrongly to the tongue. Feels a little greafy. Light, and nearly fwimming. Specific gravity—1,600, according to Klaproth. i Chemical GharaBers. Before the blow pipe it is infufible without addi tion. Constituent Parts. - Silica 54>i6 From 58,jo to 41,°° Magnefia 51,66 17,25 18,25 Lime o,5<= °,5° Water 2,5°) 39, 00 Carbonic acid 5,00 5 I0 5,82 98,25 9 8 ,75 Wieglth. Klaproth. b. 2. f. I7 3 ' ' GeogntW