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Native Talc Earth. 4°5 Auftria, and on his return to Freyberg prefented it to Werner, who drew up the preceding defcription, and gave it its prefent place in the fyftem. THIRD SPECIES. Meerfchaum: Meerfchaum.—Werner. 1 Id - Wid. f. 456.—Keffekil, Kirw. vol x. p. 144.—Meer schaum, Emm. b. 1. f. 378.—Schiuma di mare, ISap. P- 307—Variete de talc, Lam. p. 342-—L’ecume de Broch, t. x. p. 46a. External Characters. colour is yellowilh white, which approaches to ^iiowifl! grey ; it is very rarely fnow white. °ccurs maffive. internally it is dull. ^^taflure fine earthy, paffing into flat conchoidal; ls Sometimes large conchoidal in the great, and ne earthy in the fmall- 3 G Fragments