404 TALC GENUS. Not particularly difficultly frangible. Feels a little meagre. Adheres a little to the tongue. Not particularly heavy, approaching to light. Constituent Parts. According to the analyfis of Dr Mitchell and ProfelTor Lampadius it affords carbonic acid 0,510? magnefia 0,474, and a trace of iron, Lampad. Samnd- P rad if ch. Cbem. abhandl. b. 3. Ccognostic Situation. It is found in fcrpentine rocks accompanied with meerfchaum. Geographic Situation. Has been hitherto found only at Roblchiitz in Mo* ravia. ' Obfervations. 1. Werner, from its external characters, places it between bole and meerfchaum. 2. We are indebted to Dr Mitchell for our know ledge of this foffil- He found it during his