403 TALC GENUS. It is commonly maffive, feldom diffeminatcd. Internally its luftre is glimmering. FraUure perfectly conchoidal. Fragments indeterminately angular ffyarp edged. The red variety is femitranfparent, the yel!o' v tranflucent on the edges, the dark opaque. Very foft. Mild. Eafily frangible. Feels greafy. Gives a fhining ftreak. Adheres to the tongue. Light. Specific gravity 11,400 to 2,coo, Kirwart. When dry and put into water, pt breaks with al1 audible crackling noife. Chemical Characters. Before the blow pipe it melts without addition a greenilh grey coloured clay, according to Wied cn mann. . A \ t , Conshi- lt)]l