* llTHOit^G^ 39$ Fragments indeterminately angular, not particu larly lharp edged. T Streak fhining. _ , „ . Veryfoft' * G ' r ’ 1 ^ 31,1 no 11 FerfedUy mild/' '° ^ L ‘* K °1Jf Eafily frangible. ' ‘ Adheres ftrongly to the tongue. Feels greafy. Is light. Geognostic Situation. v It occurs in veins of porphyry, gneifs, and ferpen- **ne; in drufy cavaties in topaz rock, or nidular in baf alt, amygdaloid, and ferpentine; and in.beds over coal. . Geographit Situation. Found in Saxony at Ehrenfriederfdorf, Aben ds;, Marienberg, Rochlitz, where the flelh red v ariety occurs in porphyry, Planitz *, where it lies Cver coal j in Bohemia, Bavaria, and the Harz. * The variety called Wonder earth is found at Planitz. Gbfervation.