C 380 ) TWENTY-EIGHTH SPECIES. - i' Clinkftone. Klingftein.—Werner. Porpbirfchiefer, FJlner, b. 2. f. 747-—Klingftein, Er t,n b 3. f. 344 -Pierre fonante, Brocb. t. 1. p* 43?' Klingftein, Klap. Beii. b. 3. f. 229 External Char after s. It is commonly dark greenilh gray, which f Qirie times palles into yellovvilh and afh gray. Always maflive. _ Crofs fratture feebly glimmering, almoft ^ ’ the principal fratture ftrongly glimmering, P a 1 into glillening. ., , Crofs frafture, fplintery, paffing into conch° lC ^ and even; principal fratture, is more or left P feaiy flaty. ^ ^ Fragments indeterminately angular, inoltiy edged : fometimes they are tabular*