. C 369 ) f T WENTY.SIXTH S P"E C I E S. 4,ftr Bafalt. Bafalt.—Werner, o 2d' Wid. p. 423.—-Figurate trap, Kirw. vol. 1. p. S3 1 * ! Bafalt, FJlncr, b. 2. f. 726, Id. Emm. b. 1. f. 339- — Bafalto, Nap. p. 284 Le bafalte, Broth. t. 1. p. 43°--’' Hauy, t. 4. p. 474. External Characters. Its moft common colour is greyilh black, of va rious degrees of intenfity ; from this it pafles into aft) grey, which inclines to brown, and even in fome v arteties approaches to raven black. r Occurs maflive, in blunt and rolled pieces, and Sometimes veficular. Internally it is generally dull, feldom feebly glim- niering, owing to an admixture of foreign particles. Frafture moft commonly coarfe grained uneven, fontetimes alfo imperfectly large conchdidal and fine fplintery,