* Hornblende. 359 Constituent Parts % Silica f 37,0 4^33 37>° Alumina 22,o 2 7>° Magnelia i6,o I 7>5° 3>° Lime 2,0 16,66 5,° ^xyd of Iron 33,0 I 7>5° 2 5>° Lofs ’ 3»° * t \ ^ 100 i,49 100 Kiriuah. Min. rol. I. p. «3- Wkzlth. Chemifch* Jhrmann. Rerl. Aunalen, 1787. Beabscht, 79. Geognostic Situation. It forms one of the effential ingredients of feveral mountain rocks •, is fometimes accidentally dilfemin- ated in others ; and occurs in beds. 1 hus it foims °neof the principal ingredients of fyemte and primi tive greenftone, alfo of tranfition and floetz green- v ftone: and it occurs accidentally in granite, gneifs, mica flate, and limeftone; and when in beds, it is fometimes accompanied with ores, as magnetic iron ftone, iron pyrites, &c,