( 35* ) .third subspecies. J0fi J.> • •: ; j i' . .4 ■ Chlorite Slate. fir Chlorite Schiefer.—Werner. External Characters. , „ ' ' ^ Its colour is blackilh green, of various degrees of tfltenfity. Only maffive. Internally it is gliftening and refinous. Frafture fometimes curved, foinetimes undulatingly J a, y > fome varieties pafs to fcaly foliated, and thofe ^ av e the greateft degree of luflre. ' It has a t^vo-fold cleavage. Fragments flaty. Opaque. ' * Gives a mountain green ftreak, and changes its u *tre a little. Perfeftly mild. Feels rather greafy. , Not particularly heavy, heavier than common chlorite. mt 7, z a Geognostic