3 43 CLAY GENUS: 2. In fix-fided prifms. The cryllals are generally fmall, feldom middle- fized, and either int^rfed one another, r and form drufes, or are fingly Imbedded. Surface of the cryllals fplendent; internally the lullre is Ihining and fplendent, generally pearly and refinous, and in fome varieties femi-metallic, even fometimes palling into metallic. Fradure perfectly foliated, fingle cleavage, com monly undulatingly curved foliated, fometimes plane foliated, alfo floriformly and diverging radiated, and the rays ptumofely llreaked. - .r .1 \ Fragments generally tabular, and indeterminately angular. ; ; 1 ^ - * The maffive fometim’es occurs urfepafated’ but the folia.ed in coarfe and fmall grained diltind concre tions j the iadia:ed occurs in wedgeThaped prilmatic concretions. In thin plates it is tranfparent, but in larger pieces only tratifliipent on the edges. Semi-hard palling in d loft. ' Iu ' Mild. ' ‘ ■ '■ ’ Feels frhooth but not greafy, • - . ■ More or lei's eafiiy frangible. '' ELfticallv flexible. Not particularly heavy. Specific gravity—B.umenbach, 2,934—Brijfon, 2,79* Cbemi^