Clay Slate. 335 Sometimes fpotted. Occurs maffive. Internally its luftre is gliftening, bordering on fhin- ln g, and_ fometimes glimmering, and is refinous ap proaching to pearly. Fracture more or lefs flaty, and fome varieties ap proach to foliated, and others to compact. The ^ at y is either ftraight or undulatingly curved an d the latter has a two-fold obliquely interfering cleavage*. Fragments tabular, and alfo large fplintery f. ■Affords generally a greyifh white ftreak. Opaque. Soft. V ery mild. Some varietes feel a little greafy. Fretty eafily frangible. Not particularly heavy. Geognostic Situation. It occurs in vafl: ftrata in primitive and tranfition fountains, and Werner obferved two mighty veins 11 m the mountains of Schneebcrg, and others in e mountains of Hartenftcin.—IVern- Gauge. clay n n I harand, in Upper Saxony, 1 obferved a Rain ^ a PP earec l to be compofed of globular, and thefe f Tk COncentr ’ c ' am<; llar di(Ln£t concretions, e large fpbntery is named fplinter flatc. X x 2 Geographic